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Polco News & Knowledge

6 Ways Resident Survey Data Can Empower Your Community

-Webinar Show Notes-

So you’ve collected resident survey data, now what? NRC Survey Consultant Jade Arocha explains how to use that data to make your community better.



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1. Envision

By understanding what characteristics of the community residents think are most important to protect or improve, leaders can be guided toward planning for a community that builds on its strengths and advances in the areas that matter the most.


2. Earmark

Jurisdictions can use resident survey results to allocate or redistribute resources based upon resident feedback.


3. Educate

Generating awareness about community amenities, services and opportunities allows residents and local organizations to understand what you do well.


4. Engage

Engagement comes in two essential forms: interaction with individuals or partnerships with groups. Dynamic partnerships can dramatically increase buy-ins for local government programs, and civic engagement is equally as vital to that end.


5. Enact

Effective policies are developed from careful consideration of improvements identified by citizens in resident survey results.  One of the greatest strengths of local government is its ability to shape communities using policies and laws.


6. Evaluate

Regular needs assessments, outcome evaluations and performance measurements are critical for the success of any jurisdiction.


Voice of the People Awards for Resident Survey Results

Taking action on survey data can be rewarding in more ways than one. The Voice of the People Awards are the only awards given in local government based on the opinion of community residents and are conferred by NRC and the International City County Management Association (ICMA). Award winners display commitment to best practices in moving their communities forward.

Local governments can build upon the 6 E’s of Action and those examples that resonate most with their own communities to dig deeper into powerful, lasting strategies.


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